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Opportunities to Give 

ECHO (brought to you by the Greater Didcot Christian Children and Youthwork Trust) is a collaborative venture, and we're so thankful for all the support given - people's time, prayers, and financial donations are all helping young people discover and share life in all its fullness. 

Thank you - we are both dependent upon, and grateful for, the support given!

With people's support, we're able to employ youth and children's workers, access resources, and provide a range of activities and opportunities, to help young people explore life and faith.

ECHO Soul Sport - Give

As Greater Didcot continues to expand, so too do the needs and opportunities for engagement with young people.

Please be praying for ECHO as we look to respond to this, and seek to continue and grow the work.

If you would like to give financially to help make this possible
you can do so by making an online donation via Stewardship, to the Greater Didcot Christian Children and Youthwork Trust (Registered Charity Number: 1194345).

Click here to donate

Matched Funding Info

Other Ways to Give:

Donations can also be made via Bank Transfer.
Please inform us via the Contact Form below if you are doing this, along with the amount you are donating, so that we can match this to you.

Bank Details:

Account number:
Sort code: 08-92-99
Bank: The Co-op Bank

If your bank system, checks the name of the account, this is a business account, and the name for this is: GTR DIDCOT XIAN Y+C TRUST.

If you are an individual UK taxpayer, please consider Gift Aiding your donation, as we can then claim 25% extra on it.  

Download Gift Aid Declaration Form here:  Gift Aid Declaration

If you are interested in giving in another way (for example by cheque) or have any questions, please do get in contact with the team via the below form.

Your Name:
Email Address:


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Click here to see more.

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